
Monday, December 13, 2010

Art sheet and copper - Sold

These beads were made with left over polymer clay mixed media art sheet The colors in them just needed to be highlighted with the deep wine brown rattail cord, rich copper beads and spacers and copper findings. I hand rolled the beads to give them that handmade, natural organic look. I forgot to take a photo of the  wire cord end finding I also made with copper wire. I used a bought lobster clasp.  I sold this set at school.  the teacher was looking for something bold and I suggested this necklace and earring set.  She said it looked like it would be too heavy so I told her to pick it up and she was surprised at how light it was.  She loved it and bought it right away.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Jewelry sale

It's been a long time since my last blog; I've been busy with choir practices at school and singing with the choirs at church and senior's residences and of course my piano students.  I've also been getting ready with my jewelry for a party at my home on Friday, the 10th and a display at the school Friday morning.
I had really good sales and I'm pleased.  People thought I had a wide variety and something for everyone. I sold beaded jewelry and polymer clay jewelry. They also thought my jewelry tags were very professional. Now I can relax a day or two and get the cookies baking with my children.  I'm accompanying the school choir again for a mass follwed by a little concert and carolling in the parish hall on Tuesday and the school/parents carol sing-a-long on Friday 17th , the last day of school.