
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Shades of Fall

I love the fall colors, so warm and rich!  I tried to get my polymer clay leaves to look like the fallen autumn leaves.  I still have some work on them, sanding, antiquing and  putting findings.  I followed Cindy Lietz's leaf tutorial

Monday, October 11, 2010

Been workin with polymer clay

I haven't posted in a while .  Just find that to post and get jewelry completed along side teaching is sometimes really hard.  However, I have been playin with clay and have actually got a few items done.  I've done some resin work, art sheet jewelry, some leaf earrings and pendant,  some beads and also a few pendants to give my daughters at Thanksgiving.  The pendants are an idea I had when my youngest daughter looked at the leaf pendants I've done and said she would prefer to have a leaf in a stone. I also did a last minute rush order of a necklace for my friend ( for her son's wedding)  so I have been really busy and will post photos as soon as I've finished up the pieces.